Tabor’s TX Program kicked off on Saturday, September 7. Here are some of the students’ highlights:
Chinese Cooking TX

Chinese Cooking TX gathered in the Great Room to make Chinese fried rice. The main ingredients were rice, oyster sauce, carrots, scallions, peas, ham, sweet sausage, onions, and eggs. After observing Dr. Zhou’s demonstration, everyone made fried rice in three different groups. Despite following the exact instructions and using the same ingredients, “we curated different smells, colors, and tastes of fried rice, which was unique and yummy,” said Kate Mayalarp ‘25.
Writers Room TX:
In the Writers Room TX, the bulk of the meeting was basic introductions and going over what the group will be doing for the rest of their time in the program. They also engaged with some discussions of favorite artists from various media and discussed parts of a Stepehen King book.
“We finished everything off with two clips of ‘The Always Sunny’ podcast and an episode of Derry Girls on Netflix.” said Reni Cox ‘26.
Fishing TX:

Last Saturday at 9:30am, TX-Fishing kicked off with Mr. Bentz and Mr. Moore. They used “Got One APP” to check out the water and fish available, but the wind was not in their favor and they did not catch anything. Despite that, the weather was perfect and the TX spent time learning how to tie different knots.
“Even without a catch, it was a great way to spend the morning, and we will be going out to the bay next TX.” said Jefray Ding ’25 and Jimmy Zhong ’25.
Beans to Brew TX:
The beans to brew TX started at 9am this past Saturday morning. Students tasted three kinds of coffee with medium roasted coffee beans: drip, chem X, and espresso. Although not many students in the group were used to drinking black coffee, they shared which types of coffee they prefered. The students will learn how to make their own espresso in the next TX session.
“I liked the TX a lot; it was great to taste different types of coffee and see our preference” said Jessica Zhong, ’25.
Weightlifting TX:
In the newly created weightlifting TX, the group took time to get to know one another before learning the basics of lifting. TX is an opportunity to not only learn a new skill, but also make new relationships. This first TX was essential in bringing together the Tabor community in a non-academic environment.
“It began with us learning the correct form with benching, but later turned into everyone getting to know each other,” said Vince White ’26.
Reading Party TX:

This Saturday, Reading Party TX met at 9:00 am in the Stroud Lobby. Some came with a book in hand and others took a trip to the Campus Center Library before getting settled on the couches in the Acky. Throughout our TX time, Head of School, Tony Jaccaci, even stopped by.
“We don’t always have time to read for pleasure during our busy Tabor schedules. Dedicating 2 hours just to read has been a great way to start my mornings,” said Tianna Wang ‘25.