As a junior in high school navigating her teenage years, the topic of skincare has played a huge role in my day-to-day. Skincare has become increasingly popular through social media, constantly being advertised by a ton of teenagers’ most watched influencers. However, as I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned that just because someone advertises a product and claims it “works,” it will not necessarily work for me. Despite looking up to these influencers and valuing their opinions, it is important to investigate the science of the products you are putting on your skin, and to know what type of skin you may have. During this journey I’ve learned that the popularity or high price of a product does not always guarantee positive results. I’ve also learned that staying consistent with a routine is important. In fact, I have spent the past three years figuring out which products works for me, and which to steer clear of.
There are a total of 5 products in my skincare routine, each by the brand ZO Skin Health. ZO focuses on maintaining healthy skin through the power of science, while aiming to protect skin against damage and reverse past damage. Below illustrates the step-by-step skincare routine I have found works best for me, with a description of the products and other substitutes I have tried in the past.
I start off with the Gentle Cleanser each morning, which has been awesome as it is safe for all skin types. I then use it later in the day before bed, as a cleanser/makeup remover.
For my second step, I use the illuminating AOX Serum as a moisturizer alternative. This serum is a concentrated antioxidant, providing protection against skin pollution and early signs of aging. It has a luminous finish, making it a perfect under-makeup layer.
For my third step I use an additional moisturizer, mainly in the winter because of how dry it is outside. I use this AM and PM, sometimes throughout the day if needed. It is designed to strengthen the skin barrier, defend against environmental stressors, and provides anti-aging benefits.
Moving on to nighttime, I use this exfoliator once a day in addition to the Gentle Cleanser. This is especially good for acne prone skin, as it gently exfoliates both chemically and physically.
Following the Dual Action Scrub, I use one of these pads every night as directed. These reduce the appearance of pores, prevent breakouts, and brighten the skin. This is probably my favorite part of my routine because of how fresh my face feels after.
Additional Products
Along with the Dual Action Scrub, I have used this many times, but not as frequently. They are pretty similar but I find this one to be less convenient because of the shape. Nor does this product have the same chemical properties: It is more basic in formula and used more widely for just exfoliation.
This is an eye treatment I have only used a couple times because I don’t really need it, and, therefore ,didn’t see any results. However, a couple people I know have said good things about it, and noted its ability to reduce lines are brighten tired-looking eyes.
I used this for about 6 months and decided I didn’t really need it anymore, but it’s a good alternative for a concentrated retinol product, as it only contains 1%. Its benefits include brightening skin and smoothing its texture.
Thank you for reading!