Sophia Kim/The Log
Musical cast running Act 2 of the show Footloose ahead of their upcoming shows.
Girls’ Varsity Hockey
Girls’ Varsity Hockey faced off against a strong Phillips Andover team this Wednesday, with admirable skill displayed from both sides. Tabor started behind Phillips Andover and scored a hard goal after a scuffle in front of the net. However, Tabor remained in good spirits and fought back in the second period. Team captain ‘24 Kaitlin Sullivan found the back of the net after a beautiful passing play. The tide was turning and Tabor was feeling strong. With both offenses going back and forth, the second period ended in a stalemate and Tabor got ready to fight it out in the third. With the game on the line, Tabor put out difficult shots, but the Phillips Andover goalie stood strong. With only a little time remaining, Phillips Andover flew by Tabor on a fast break as they scored a second goal putting them in the lead. In the last minute, Tabor pulled the goalie, but it was not enough to score a goal and Phillips Andover ultimately won 2-1.
Winter Musical: Tech crew
The Tabor Musical Crew is incredibly close to finalizing their upcoming show! During their last practice on Wednesday, the team spent the entire session rehearsing and running Act 2. They repeated the act, ensuring every movement, position, and cue was perfect. The actors worked on their lines and movements while the crew adjusted the lighting and sound.
Meanwhile, the tech crew worked on finishing the decoration of the props. They spent a lot of time ensuring everything was just right, from the color scheme to the placement of each item.
Yuno Yamakawa ’24, a crew member, said, “Creating the burger shop signs was the most exciting task!”
They brainstormed ideas and devised fantastic signs to create a sidewalk atmosphere on stage.
The tech crew is putting in a lot of hard work to ensure the show succeeds. With their dedication and attention to detail, it’s sure to be a fantastic performance that everyone will enjoy.
Visual Art
This past Wednesday afternoon, the art students gathered in Britmayer to work on their art projects for the upcoming show. Kentaro Suzuki ’24 used both the ceramics and visual art rooms for different aspects of his projects. Julia Conn ’24 tirelessly worked on her paintings, while Taylor McDermott ’24 focused on creating sketches inside and outside the art center. Talia Chase ’24 started working on her new painting, a tropical beach theme, which is her greatest interest. As we see diverse creativity, Seawolves should be excited to see all the artwork at the end of the winter term!